Our services
Business Disposals
FC acts exclusively as retained advisor and project manager. We can help you find the right purchaser for your business, agree the best deal and drive the process through to completion.
Acquisition Search and Support
FC has access to sophisticated corporate research tools and to a national and international network of corporate finance intermediaries. We will find the most suitable acquisition target for you, make the approach and negotiate the deal.
Venture Capital and Acquisition Finance
FC has many years experience of raising finance to help our clients fund business development, acquisitions, buyouts and shareholder reorganisations.
What else we advise on?
Business Turnaround and Rescue
FC is not an insolvency practitioner but we bring an independent and truly objective approach to helping businesses that are struggling or in danger of becoming insolvent.
Specialist Business Finance
Private investor capital, leasing and hire purchase, invoice finance, specialist stock finance, trade discounting and letters of credit, government investment, loans and loan guarantee schemes are additional sources of finance that FC can assist with.
Finance and commercial support for property development and investment
We specialise in raising structured debt packages for property development and investment, including commercial, residential and hotels. When market conditions allow, the funding solution may include high loan-to-value-ratios and/or interest-only loan facilities in situations where returns and cash flow can be shown to support such financing.
Business Partnerships and Start Ups
Unlike many of our competitors, FC is keen to be involved in exceptionally high-quality business start-ups, even though there may initially be insufficient funds to reward us by payment of fees. In some cases we can instead join the new business as a partner and work with our new colleagues to help establish the business, prepare business plans, negotiate key commercial arrangements and introduce financial controls.
Financial and Strategic Advice
Our everyday work brings us into contact with hundreds of different businesses and requires us to analyse how they work and how they generate cash and profits. These analytical skills, combined with our corporate finance expertise, enable us to assess financial performance and consider strategic options in an informed manner. We also have specialist consultancy divisions for the passenger transport and retail/wholesale industries.
Other Services
We can help with business valuations/share valuations, litigation support (eg warranty claims) and dispute resolution including complex contract disputes and high new worth divorces. See our other services section under our services for more!
23/24 M&A market – a huge challenge for mid-market PE
Iain Campbell is a partner of FC Corporate Finance, a mergers and acquisitions boutique serving the mid-market in the UK, Europe and […]
Mid-market M&A in 2023 update – keep preparing
Iain Campbell is a partner of FC Corporate Finance, a mergers and acquisitions boutique serving the mid-market in the UK, Europe and […]
Time for cash-rich companies to be making acquisitions
An article by Iain Campbell and Ben Brierley of FC Corporate Finance In a recent article we highlighted the downturn in both […]
Mid-market M&A in 2023 – Prepare, prepare, prepare!
An article by Iain Campbell of FC Corporate Finance In the thirty or so years I’ve been working in mid-market and SME […]
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About us
FC is a specialist firm of chartered accountants whose sole activity is corporate finance. It was established (in the form of a predecessor firm) in 1994 to offer a new style of corporate finance advice to large and medium-sized private companies and entrepreneurs. Our overriding objective has always been to offer clients in our target sector a level of technical expertise and experience that is at least equivalent to the corporate finance arms of international accountancy practices and merchant banks, in conjunction with the commerciality and focus of a smaller, specialist organisation whose partners personally manage all assignments and benefit from a meaningful share in the rewards of each successful project.