Why Choose FC...
At FC, most of our work comes from existing clients and through referrals from companies and professional advisers who have worked with us before and recognise our distinctive style:-
- We are 100% focussed on providing specialist corporate finance advice. There is no agenda to sell a wider range of services and there are no conflicts of interest arising
from the provision of other services.
- We are highly partisan. The only people we want to impress are our clients.
- We always say what we think.
- Ideas and innovation are our stock-in-trade.
- Major problems arise at some stage in almost every transaction. We solve them.
- We challenge the thinking of our clients, financiers and other advisers.
- We are hands-on, project managers. We insist on being fully involved in all aspects of a transaction. An FC partner will always take a personal interest in the fine detail of all commercial, financial and legal matters.
- We handle sensitive meetings and negotiations firmly but tactfully.
- We focus on what is relevant and important. We don’t waste time and money scoring points.
- We are highly discreet and respect confidentiality at all times.
Payment by Results
Much of our income comes from success-related fees which we only receive when we complete assignments.
Where we are asked to advise in relation to a specific transaction, eg a business disposal or the raising of venture capital, our fee will usually be structured in two parts:
- Assignment retainer – a modest upfront fee which is not conditional on success but demonstrates the client’s joint commitment with us to proceed with the project;
- Completion fee – this is only payable when we achieve a successful outcome. Usually, the fee is calculated as a percentage of the price obtained or the funds raised.
Non-transaction work is charged either on a time basis or a fixed fee/retainer basis, which is tailored to individual circumstances.
No fees at all are payable until we have fully assessed your requirements and offered an initial view. We do not charge for preliminary meetings and related work, which will not create any obligation to engage us. Fees are only charged once we have agreed a detailed assignment brief and you have signed a formal fee agreement.
We work in partnership with our clients to make money together.
FC is 100% committed to discretion and confidentiality. Unlike many of our competitors, we do not like to publicise our involvement in deals completed for clients and we don’t speak to the press at all, save in highly exceptional cases where we are instructed to do so by our client. However, we can provide references of the very highest quality from many of our current and past clients who will be happy to speak to prospective clients on the telephone and give an honest assessment of us.
Our existing clients are our largest introducers of new clients.